Hey! I'm Kylee Money...


  • 1300+ families since 2001 ✅
  • Featured on CBS and Fox News as a parenting expert ✅
  • Partnered with Pampers as their sleep coach featured in their app along side Dr. Craig Canapari, a pediatrician who specializes in the care of infant sleep.  ✅
  • Speaks nationally at parenting expos on the subject of sleep training.  ✅
  • 5 star reviews across all platforms because I actually care about my clients, and it shows.  ✅
  • I have a 94% success rate- that means I am honest. This works for ALMOST every family. 

A little bit more...

We had our first baby in October 2021, and our second baby came two months early in August of 2022. This surprises a lot of people. Why would I have a parent coaching company for so many years without having been a parent until just now? Most parent coaches are driven to that career choice from needing help in their parenting path, finding they LOVE the new skills they learned, and turning around to teach others what they learned. 

That just isn't my story. 🤷‍♀️ 

Fixing sleep and behavior...this is my superpower, the same way some people are amazing in the kitchen or amazing with math or amazing at marketing. I suck at all of those, but I have a profound passion for and skill when it comes to helping parents establish calm, healthy boundaries and routines with their children for healthy sleep and excellent behavior. 

Parents have always said...

"Wait until it's your own. You won't be able to do this with your own."

My girls are now 2 and 2.5, and I have had no problem living what I teach, walking the walk with my own kids. 

The core of what I teach is about showing unconditional love with the use of calm, clear boundaries around sleep and behavior. Those core values don't change just because the feeling of love for my babies is so overwhelming.

Want to know more? You can find me here:

Google Reviews

Want to read more reviews? Click here! Want to leave a review? Well, you can click there too! 

Google Reviews

Yelp Reviews

Want to read more reviews? Click here! Want to leave a review? Well, you can click there too! Very annoyingly, there are about 12 Yelp reviews that are listed as "unrecommended" which is just how their algorithm works. But you can still read them if you would like, they are just at the bottom and greyed out. 

Yelp Reviews