YOUR LITTLE ONEĀ CAN SLEEP ALL NIGHTĀ IN THEIR OWN ROOM...without you feeling like a shitty parent.

Tantrums, whining & ignoring you? You don't have to pick between gentle parentingĀ or yelling at your kids.Ā There is a better option.
YOUR LITTLE ONEĀ CAN SLEEP ALL NIGHTĀ IN THEIR OWN ROOM...without you feeling like a shitty parent.

Tantrums, whining & ignoring you?Ā You don't have to pick between gentle parentingĀ or yelling at your kids.Ā There is a better option.
23 years, 1000+ families, 5ā­ reviews,Ā the sleep coach trusted by Pampers. Viral reel on IG with 2.7m views and 48k shares.

23 years, 1000+ families, 5ā­ reviews,Ā the sleep coach trusted by Pampers. Viral reel on IG with 2.7m views and 48k shares.

No BS Sleep & Behavior Training Course

Sleep and behavior videos

šŸ˜“SLEEP-Ā Your baby or toddler or big kid up to 6 will sleep ALL NIGHT in their own room. That's 10-12 hours of being CERTAIN your little one is happily sleeping without needing your help.Ā 

šŸ—£ļøBEHAVIOR- Your 2-6 year old will tantrumĀ WAY less often. Remaining tantrums will be FAR less frequent and not nearly so intense. You will know how to respond to them during undesirable behavior.Ā 

šŸ’»LIFETIME ACCESS- You might only need this for sleep right now, but you will want access for behvior once that sweet little baby learns to throw tantrums! Enjoy lifetyime access to ALL 3 COURSES for the price of one!

Sleep Training (3 payments of $80)

Nap Training (FREE)

Behavior Training (FREE)

3 payments of $80

Work With Me (Kylee Money) Privately

Child/situation-specific help

All the benefits of the No BS Sleep Training Course, plus having access to text or call me with your questions.

YOU: Oh, these sleep and behavior videos are so fucking helpful! But I wish I could ask Kylee some clarifying questions...

ME: Just text me, you paid to be able to text me, remember that?

YOU: Oh yeah. I did. Cool-cool-cool-cool-cool-cool.


3 weeks of texting support

M-F 10am-8pm ESTĀ 

Hour zoom session for initial directions

All 3 courses on night sleep, nap sleep and behavior included for FREE with lifetime access!

BUY NOW $845

No BS Sleep Training

Sleep & Behavior Videos

šŸ˜“SLEEP-Ā Your baby or toddler or big kid up to 6 will sleep ALL NIGHT in their own room. That's 10-12 hours of being CERTAIN your little one is happily sleeping without needing your help.Ā 

šŸ—£ļøBEHAVIOR-Ā Your 2-6 year old will tantrumĀ WAYĀ less often. Remaining tantrums will beĀ FARĀ less frequent and not nearly so intense. You will know how to respond to them during undesirable behavior.Ā 

3 payments of $80

Work With Me Privately

Child/situation-specific help

All the benefits of the No BS Sleep Training Course, plus having access to text or call me with your questions.

YOU:Ā Oh, these sleep and behavior videos are so fucking helpful! But I wish I could ask Kylee a clarifying question...

ME:Ā Just text me, you paid to be able to text me, remember that?

YOU:Ā Oh yeah. I did. Cool-cool-cool-cool-cool-cool.


3 weeks of texting support

M-F 10am-8pm ESTĀ 

Hour zoom session for initial directions

Accesss to my 3 courses on night sleep, nap sleep and behavior.


$845- BUY NOW
Texts from parents who were exactly where you are...

Get My In-The-Moment Guide To CALM Discipline

Tired of yelling or being too short with your little ones? You will love having this printable guide! STEP BY STEP exact directions to follow that will help improve behavior, strengthen your bond and eliminate parent-guilt that inevitably comes after your frustration took over.Ā 

Appropriate for all ages, neurodivergent or neurotypical

(Wanna knowĀ who you're about to hire? ThisĀ šŸ‘‡ is from my IG but you can get a sense of who I am.)

What about crying?

According to the AAP as well as the AASM, not only is there no evidence that crying is dangerous, there is, in fact clear evidence that crying is healthy, normal and beneficial for babies. This claim is validated by my 23 years of experience with over 1,000 families, as I have seen this to be true in every case. Of course, crying is hard for the parents, but it is perfectly safe, temporary and frankly unavoidable, for MOST babies and kids who are sleep training and behavior training.Ā This is covered in greater detail in my course as well as any personalized package you will purchase.

Not sure? Let's talk.

What about crying?

According to the AAP as well as the AASM, not only is there no evidence that crying is dangerous, there is, in fact clear evidence that crying is healthy, normal and beneficial for babies. This claim is validated by my 22 years of experience with over 1,000 families, as I have seen this to be true in every case. Of course, crying is hard for the parents, but it is perfectly safe, temporary and frankly unavoidable, for MOST babies and kids who are sleep training and behavior training.Ā This is covered in greater detail in my course as well as any personalized package you will purchase.

Not Sure? Let's Talk.
(Hey...Wanna knowĀ who you're about to hire? ThisĀ ā˜ļø is from my IG but you can get a sense of who I am.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Sleepless nights and exhausted days do not have to be your reality anymore.Ā #parentlife CAN be joyful if you let me fix your family's sleep.Ā Since 2001, I'veĀ helped 1000+ families get their kids/babies sleeping all night, so they can actually be present and enjoying parenthood. 5 stars across all platforms, 94% success rate and featured prominently in the don't get that unless you are a kick-ass parent coach who LOVES her clients and doesn't settle for mediocre results.

Not Sure? Let's talk.

Contact PMJ: 917-733-1271 orĀ [email protected]Ā